Society Act - Constitution

1. Name
The name of the Society shall be the QUALICUM BEACH FARMERS MARKET.
2. The Purposes of the Society are:
(a) To promote and sustain agriculture, fisheries and food production in the area of Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands.
(b) To operate a Farmers Market within Oceanside, mid-Vancouver Island. (c) To promote the growth of 4H, through their participation in the Society's purposes. (d) To enhance and strengthen the economy and community well-being, within Oceanside, mid-Vancouver Island.
3. Disposition of Assets
In the event of liquidation of the QUALICUM BEACH FARMERS MARKET, any surplus, after payment of all debts, shall (unless a successor Society is formed for the same purposes within 12 months) be transferred to the Arrowsmith Agriculture Association for the development and promotion of agricultural purposes within School District #69. This clause is unalterable...